How Much is a 20 MPH Over Speeding Ticket in New York?

Sep 04 2024

If you’ve recently received a speeding ticket for going 20 MPH over the limit in New York, you might be wondering about the financial impact of this infraction. Speeding tickets can vary significantly in cost depending on a range of factors, including your location and driving history. Understanding the potential fines, as well as the additional costs such as insurance increases and potential points on your license, is crucial. In this blog, we’ll break down what you can expect to pay for a 20 MPH over speeding ticket in New York and provide insights on how to handle the situation effectively.

Speeding in New York

In New York, speeding is defined as driving faster than the posted speed limit or too fast for the conditions. The state’s traffic laws set specific speed limits for different types of roads: 30 MPH in urban areas, 55 MPH on non-interstate highways, and 65 MPH on certain highways. However, even if you are driving within these limits, you can still be cited for speeding if your speed is deemed unsafe for road conditions, weather, or traffic flow.

For instance, driving 20 MPH over the limit falls into a serious category of speeding violations. According to New York law, such an infraction can result in substantial fines, points on your driving record, and other potential penalties. Attorney Wendy Bishop of NY Ticket Defenders emphasizes the importance of understanding these regulations and the consequences of speeding tickets. Navigating the legal ramifications and mitigating the impact on your driving record is crucial, and seeking professional guidance can help in managing the situation effectively.

How Much is a 20 MPH Over Speeding Ticket in New York?

How Much is a 20 MPH Over Speeding Ticket in New York?

Receiving a speeding ticket for driving 20 MPH over the limit in New York can be quite costly. The base fine for such a violation typically ranges between $90 and $300, but this amount can vary based on the county and specific circumstances of the infraction. Additional surcharges, which can add up to $93, may also be imposed, bringing the total cost of the ticket to approximately $200 to $400 or more.

In addition to the financial penalty, a 20 MPH over speeding ticket can result in several other consequences:

Points on Your Driving Record

New York assigns points to your driving record based on the severity of the speeding violation. For driving 20 MPH over the limit, you could receive 4 points. Accumulating 11 or more points within an 18-month period can lead to a suspension of your driving privileges.

Possible Jail Time

Obtaining a 20 MPH over the speed limit ticket may result in jail time, particularly if you have prior violations or if the circumstances of your speeding were deemed reckless. The possible jail time is not more than 30 days.

Driver Responsibility Assessment

If you accumulate 6 or more points on your driving record within 18 months, you may be subject to a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee. This fee can be up to $300, plus an additional $75 for each point over 6.

Potential Legal Consequences

In some cases, repeat offenders or those with a history of serious violations may face more severe legal consequences, including higher fines and longer periods of license suspension.

Attorney Wendy Bishop of NY Ticket Defenders advises that understanding these potential penalties is crucial for managing the impact of a speeding ticket. Seeking legal assistance can help you navigate the legal process and potentially reduce the penalties associated with your speeding violation.

Is It Worth It to Fight the Speeding Ticket?

Deciding whether to fight a speeding ticket can be a crucial decision, particularly if you’re facing significant fines and other penalties. While it may seem easier to just pay the ticket and move on, contesting it can be a worthwhile endeavor for several reasons:

  1. Reduce or Eliminate Fines: By challenging a speeding ticket, you might be able to negotiate a reduction in the fine. In some cases, a successful defense can lead to a dismissal of the ticket altogether, saving you from the financial burden.
  2. Avoid Points on Your Driving Record: Accumulating points on your driving record may lead to a suspended license if you accumulate enough points. Fighting the ticket can help you avoid these points, preserving your driving record.
  3. Maintain a Clean Driving Record: A clean driving record is important for both personal and professional reasons. For instance, certain jobs and professional licenses may require a clean driving history. Fighting the ticket helps you keep your record intact, avoiding any long-term negative effects on your career.
  4. Ensure Fair Treatment: Sometimes, speeding tickets are issued incorrectly or there may be errors in the process. Contesting the ticket ensures that you receive a fair assessment and that any mistakes or inaccuracies are addressed.
  5. Peace of Mind: Contesting a speeding ticket can give you peace of mind, knowing that you did everything possible to address the situation and protect your rights.

NY Ticket Defenders emphasizes that fighting a speeding ticket can be a strategic move to mitigate the repercussions and protect your driving record. Legal representation can provide valuable guidance and improve your chances of a favorable outcome, making it a decision worth considering if you want to minimize the impact of a speeding violation.

How NY Ticket Defenders Can Help

At NY Ticket Defenders, we understand that dealing with a speeding ticket can be stressful and overwhelming. Our experienced team, led by Attorney Wendy Bishop, is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of traffic law and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Here’s how our speeding ticket lawyers can assist you:

Quality Legal Advice

Our lawyers provide guidance on how to handle your speeding ticket. We’ll review the details of your case, explain the potential consequences, and advise you on the best course of action.

Challenge the Ticket

We meticulously examine the evidence against you, including the accuracy of speed measurement devices and the legality of the traffic stop. If any errors or procedural mistakes are found, we will use them to challenge the validity of the ticket.

Negotiate on Your Behalf

Our attorneys have experience negotiating with prosecutors and court officials to reduce fines, minimize points, or even get the ticket dismissed. We aim to achieve a favorable resolution that lessens the impact on your driving record and finances.

Representation in Court

If your case requires a court appearance, our lawyers will represent you and present a strong defense. We handle all the legal proceedings and paperwork, ensuring that you are well-represented throughout the process.

Protect Your Driving Record

Our goal is to protect your driving record from unnecessary points and long-term consequences. By contesting the ticket, we help you avoid insurance rate increases and potential license suspensions.

Peace of Mind

With our legal team on your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that a dedicated professional is working to resolve your speeding ticket issue. We handle the complexities of the legal system so you can focus on your daily life.

At NY Ticket Defenders, we are committed to providing personalized and effective legal representation. If you’ve received a speeding ticket and are unsure of your options, contact us today to discuss how we can help you fight the ticket and protect your driving record.

What To Do After Receiving a Speeding Ticket

Receiving a speeding ticket can be disconcerting, but taking the right steps promptly can help you manage the situation effectively. Here’s what you should do after receiving a speeding ticket:

  1. Review the Ticket Carefully: Check the ticket for accuracy, including your personal information, the date, time, and location of the violation, and the speed you were cited for. Ensure that all details are correct, as errors may be used to challenge the ticket.
  2. Understand the Charges: Read the ticket to understand the specific violation and the potential penalties. This includes fines, points on your driving record, and any other consequences that may apply.
  3. Decide Whether to Contest or Pay: You’ll need to decide whether to contest the ticket or pay it. If you choose to contest, consult with a speeding ticket lawyer to explore your options. Paying the ticket typically means accepting the charges and any associated penalties.
  4. Gather Evidence: If you decide to contest the ticket, gather any evidence that might support your case. This could include photographs, witness statements, or any documentation that challenges the accuracy of the ticket or the conditions under which it was issued.
  5. Consult with a Lawyer: Contact a speeding ticket lawyer, such as those at NY Ticket Defenders, to discuss your case. An experienced attorney can provide guidance on the best course of action, help you understand the potential outcomes, and represent you in court if necessary.
  6. Respond to the Ticket: Follow the instructions on the ticket regarding how to respond. This typically involves either paying the fine by the specified deadline or notifying the court of your intention to contest the ticket. Make sure to meet all deadlines to avoid additional penalties.
  7. Attend Your Court Date: If you choose to contest the ticket and a court appearance is required, make sure to attend the court date. Be prepared to present your case and any evidence you’ve gathered. Your lawyer will help you prepare and represent you in court.
  8. Monitor Your Driving Record: After resolving the ticket, keep an eye on your driving record to ensure that the ticket is processed correctly and that any points or fines are accurately recorded. This can help you address any issues that may arise.

By taking these steps, you can effectively manage the aftermath of a speeding ticket and work towards minimizing its impact on your driving record and finances.

Protect Your Driving Record with NY Ticket Defenders

Navigating the consequences of a speeding ticket can be complex, but taking proactive steps can significantly impact the outcome. Whether you’re facing hefty fines or points on your driving record, seeking professional legal assistance can make a difference. At NY Ticket Defenders, our experienced team, led by Attorney Wendy Bishop, is here to help you understand your options and fight for the best possible resolution. Don’t let a speeding ticket affect your driving record and finances—contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards protecting your rights.